
In an opening scene in The Killer Trail, Chris Ryder is running along a wooded trail on a blustery February afternoon when he spots what turns out to be a cell phone case jutting out of the snow. Ray Owens had inadvertently dropped the phone after carrying out a contract hit, and Chris unknowingly endangers his own life when his attempts to reunite the phone with its owner puts him in contact with the killer.

By the time Chris realizes the gravity of his situation, Ray is already hunting him down. Recognizing that the cell phone is what Ray is desperately searching for, Chris buries it near a trail marker in a section of the woods where three trails intersect called the Crossroads. In doing so, Chris pins his plan on the hope that, if captured, Ray will keep him alive as long as he needs Chris to bring him to the phone.

Chris soon finds himself at a crossroads of another type. He struggles with the dilemma of whether he should concentrate on his own survival – eluding capture by Ray even if it means the killer will escape justice OR confronting Ray and attempting to bring him to justice? What would you do? The decision Chris makes will have life altering consequences.

On a personal level, I am at somewhat of a crossroads with my manuscript for The Killer Trail. On the one hand, I am extremely happy with the manuscript following its substantive and copy edit. On the other hand, it is now looking for a home with a publisher and while I have reason to be hopeful for a positive response, the ultimate decision is out of my hands but will determine my next steps and the direction my writing career takes.

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