Puzzle Pieces

Now that I’ve finished book one, THE KILLER TRAIL, I’ve been focussing my attention to fine-tuning the plot outline for books two and three in the series. The basic foundation was established in book one through creation of the main characters, as well as the setting at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. I’m interested in how the characters and story line evolve in the second book.

I find it intriguing how writers approach the organization of their storytelling. Some writers use elaborate diagrams and computer templates while others map out various scenes on posted boards or walls, and of course, there are several other methods along a wide continuum.

I’d describe my process as similar to putting together pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. As a kid, I used to enjoy working on puzzle games, and I’m finding it thrilling once again to be engaged in the process of placing various scenes or puzzle pieces, if you will, in their proper place. It’s fascinating to see how some scenes, originally set to be part of book two, are now looking to be a more natural fit for book three in further developing the story line.

The difference with my puzzle at this stage is that it’s not a pre-arranged creation that has already been completed, but rather, my pieces continue to evolve and appear at times to dictate where they fit in as part of the bigger picture in the story.

Putting these puzzle pieces together can at times be challenging but is always a rewarding experience.

Let the games begin!

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