Revenge vs. Justice

Have you ever wanted to take revenge against someone? Do you remember the circumstances: who? why? where? when? how? Do you remember how you felt?

Chances are we can all come up with someone who at some point in our lives did us wrong. Chances are also pretty high that we didn’t act on those thoughts or feelings.

Ray Owens is someone who does act on his thoughts in The Killer Trail. He doesn’t act on his feelings because, well…he doesn’t feel. But he has a plan for revenge against Chris Ryder. And he will stop at nothing to carry out his plan.

Chris Ryder has no such plan for revenge against Ray Owens. His plan is bring the psychopathic killer to justice. But Chris’s problem is that his plan for justice becomes an all-encompassing preoccupation which blurs the lines between right and wrong. And his obsession with bringing Ray to justice at any cost, runs the risk of slipping from justice to revenge and in the process, making Chris the very thing he is fighting against.

Chris finds himself in a trap, fighting not only the evil deeds of Ray Owens, but also fighting his own dark impulses.

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