Fox in the Henhouse

A ‘fox in the henhouse’ is a metaphor for a predator roaming loose among its prey. Throughout the Fighting Darkness series, this metaphor could be used to describe people in positions of authority who abuse their power such as dirty politicians and corrupt police officers.

It also aptly describes the psychopath Ray Owens when he orchestrates his admission to the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. His primary target is social worker Chris Ryder. But Ray’s presence is IFP quickly becomes toxic throughout the hospital as he preys on vulnerable patients, and is the sole instigator in pitting patients against staff and against each other.

Chris is faced with the ultimate challenge of eliminating the risk that Ray poses without succumbing to his own dark impulses and resorting to the very evil he is fighting against.

As we head into the Thanksgiving weekend, I am grateful for the fact that the challenges encountered in The Killer Trail are purely the work of fiction!

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