Soundtrack of our Lives

I had a radio on recently to help me get through some menial chores around the house. Bob Seger’s Like a Rock started playing and suddenly I was transported back to the summer of 1986 when that song dominated the air waves.

Memories rushed back of four seventeen year old kids cranking up the volume for that song as we crammed into a late ’70’s cherry red Camaro. I remembered the sound of the roaring engine as we cruised city streets on hot summer nights. I remembered how we all chipped in what little money we had in our pockets to feed the gas guzzling beast so that we could keep it on the road a little longer. I remembered the conversations around who was dating whom, who was no longer dating whom, and who wanted to date whom. Yeah, I guess for seventeen year old teenagers it was a lot about cars and girls back then.

That all seems like a million years ago. And yet all it took was one song and I was back there re-living the moment. It turns out, that song formed part of the soundtrack to my life. And simply hearing it brought back a flood of memories for me.

Do you have soundtrack songs to your life? Does music hold an important place in your life?

Music plays an important role for Chris Ryder in The Killer Trail. He laments the fact that running and music have remained the only constants in his life that has otherwise become foreign as it unravels around him. And yet hearing a song from one of his favourite bands has the power to lift his mood and elevate his fighting spirit back to solid ground: Like a rock.

2 responses to “Soundtrack of our Lives”

  1. andrew says:

    Hey Derrick, just checked out yer blog on the site,nice writn!..i’ll pass the word on to the guys especially Dion about yer website! And twas great seeing everyone last week aye! Andrew

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